Lose Stomach Fat - Do You Have Any Idea Of Your Daily Calorie Intake?

Calories have a bad wrap, or so it seems. The way some people talk, you have to think they are the enemy. Health professionals, nutritionists and diet specialists tell you to watch your daily calorie intake. Many foods are labeled with the number of calories they contain. We read about them, hear about them and talk about them, but we cannot do without them. They are the fuel our body needs to function and we have to make sure we get enough of them. So how many calories do we need?

How Many Calories Do You Need?

The more active you are the more calories you need. The reason for this is your body needs to replace the energy it is using. It does this by turning calories into energy. Even if you are just sitting around, your body is using calories just to function. Your heart, lungs and brain are working, and this requires energy.

One way to calculate the amount of calories you should be having is to multiply you weight by 11. This means if you weigh 150 pounds (68 kg), your daily calorie intake should be around 1650.

And this is without doing anything. A rough guide to the amount of calories you need in going about your normal activities is to aim for somewhere between 2200 and 2500 calories a day, if you are a man. If you are a woman you will need about 1940 a day.

Many of us have a lot more than that each day and that is where the problem lies. It's fine if you are burning them off with physical activity but if you are not then you are adding to your stomach fat and to your weight in general. It simply means if you are taking in more calories than you are losing you will put on weight. That's why eating less food and doing more physical activity helps control weight.

Try To Strike A Balance

It is all about balance because if you take in too many calories you will put on weight, but if you take in too few you will deprive you body of the energy source it needs. That's why some very low calorie diets can be dangerous because if you are depriving your body it will call on its reserves. It can only do this for so long without causing harm. Most of us are not going to run our lives counting the calories of all the food we eat, but we need to be aware of what we are eating and the effect it is having on our body.

It is not too hard to look at the food you usually eat and to find out roughly what this means in terms of your daily calorie intake. This will help you pinpoint any problem areas you need to fix. You will find out what foods you have to cut down or avoid and what foods you should be eating.

This way you will make sure excess calories are not adding to your weight so you can start to lose stomach fat.

You do not have to be a fanatic and count every calorie but you do need to have a rough idea of your daily calorie intake.You can find more help to lose your stomach fat by visiting http://www.lose-stomach-fat-in-your-50s.com. William Burnell has followed a healthy lifestyle for many years and knows what you have to do to be healthy and control weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Burnell

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