Hemophilia and Back Pain

By Cory Kemmis

Doctors often prescribe a variety of exercises, diets, stretch exercises, etc to relieve back pain. According to statistics, more than 200 million Americans alone suffer back pain. Some patients endure surgery, while others find ways to minimize the pain. Unfortunately, some people turn to alcohol and drugs to relieve such pain. When pain is chronic, it makes it difficult to cope with daily duties. Most pain in the back starts at the lower region. With so much suffering, many people make a hobby out of finding relief.

Back pain mild or chronic can slow activities, mobility, and so on. While there are, many medical causes and sometimes-mysterious causes the fact is the majority of people in the world fail to maintain ROM of the joints by stretching and exercising regularly. For this reason, back pain is the number one cause of time loss and money spent. The fact is back pain alone is one of the prime reasons that people must call in to work sick. According to statistics, the increase in back pains the total estimate of loss and medical costs soars up to $60 billion dollars annually.

If the patient tests positive from test results, management is setup. The patient is limited to activities, and is assigned cold compression to eliminate pain. Corticosteroid is prescribed, which makes up Solu-Cortef, or HSS. (Hydrocortisone sodium succinate)

Still, others suffer enduring back pain. Some of these people will sit inappropriately in chairs, or on couches until they lower back finally dents, forming the shape of the chair position they had sit. These people often spend a lifetime indulging in over-the-counter meds, such as analgesics. If they would get off the couch, align the back with stretch exercises and support of Chiropractors, thus the pain may disappear.

Patients are recommended to avoid sport contact, blowing nose, straining during defecating, coughing, lifting, etc. This sounds crazy, since it is a natural action in life, yet each action can complicate, or irritate the disorder. Aspirin and injected intramuscular aids should also be avoided. Since the patient is assessed for hematuria, bleeding, hemorrhaging, hematomas, melana, etc, avoiding the elements can help you reduce pain and symptoms emerging from hemophilia.

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