Being Motivated To Lose Weight When Everything Sucks

If you're not doing it for fun then it's all about the payoff or escaping the pain.

Can you lose weight? Yes, you can lose weight if you have discipline and take action. Discipline is important if you ever want your dreams to come true. In the up and coming generations, things want to be acquired now. It's my belief however that if it is VERY hard to discipline yourself to do something a certain way, it may be that there is another way or method you should be pursuing in order to bring about the same result. That, or your goal isn't amazing enough to really stoke your fires. In other words, at this point in time weight loss is not the most important area of your life. Cakes and couch are.

Keep in mind that if you could wave a wand and instantly get the body you desired or all the money you wanted, you would be missing out on the greatest benefit of pursuing any challenge. The skill of discipline, patience and self-discovery. The GAME. The CHALLENGE

Your motivation and dedication levels are directly linked to how important your weight loss is to you. If you feel that you losing weight is important enough, the motivation will take care of itself. You must have a set purpose in life, and you must give your powers without hesitation, obstruction and without reservation to the accomplishment of that set purpose.

You. Must. Focus. If you do not, your life will drip away slowly and pathetically like drops of blood from a limp, apathetic, slit wrist.

What I have come to understand is that many people are smart enough to know what needs to be done to move toward their best lives, the knowledge is out there everywhere for just about every conceivable pursuit. What I also understand now thanks to my experience with others that want to achieve something worthwhile is that knowledge is not what makes us succeed or fail most time. It's putting that knowledge into practice. So if people know what needs to be done to move confidently towards their goals, why are they not doing it?

Besides a lack of self-discipline and an inability to give yourself the kick in the but you need...

One reason you don't pursue your dreams with a more squared jaw and drawn back shoulders, is because the bad habits that have put you in your current situation. In other words, you are hooked on the immediate satisfaction what you are now doing offers. We all know that most things that are worth having in life take effort, its really that easy. Find the information you need to work towards your dreams and apply your effort without reservation.

The other reason people don't put 100% effort into their dreams is that its easier to stay where you are now and enjoy your bad habits than it is to put in the effort on a trip to your dreamland if your not 100% sure that this map will even get you there. You've probably tried to attain something before right? AND your still here looking for answers too. That tells me two things. First, your approach was wrong. Second, you didn't persist and give it your real full effort.

Ray Burton is a retired army soldier and personal trainer. He is a free lance writer now and his latest blog post is getting back into music. You can check that out here: BT This Binary Universe

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