Effective And Fast Weight Loss Tips

By Russ Howe Pti

So many people get unnecessarily lost when it comes to how to lose weight so today our instructors are going to put together some simple and proven tips for you to get quick but lasting rewards for your hard efforts in the gym.

The following steps are proven and very, very effective not only when it comes to removing unwanted body fat but also when it comes to keeping it off in future.

So, are you ready to begin?

There is so much nonsense out there when it comes to dieting and fat loss that people often overlook the basics which are proven to work.

1) Get A Basic Grasp On Your Calorie Intake

2) Dropping Calories And Carbs Requires Increased Protein

3) If You Want A Snack, Shoot For Protein

4) Pack Snack Tubs With Your Lunch

5) Take A Break Every Sunday

We'd be pretty bad instructors if we just gave you that list and wished you all the best, of course, so now we're going to take some time to walk through each one in a bit more detail so you have no doubts or anything else holding you back. The first step is to establish how many calories you take in on average on a daily basis. From this point forwards, eat less calories than that number. That's the simplicity behind rule number one.

If you've known anyone do the Atkins diet or any other quick fix course you'll know what we mean by rule number two. When we cut down carbohydrates we often forget that if you don't simultaneously increase your protein intake your body will burn muscle instead of fat each time you exercise or each time it simply needs fuel.

The third and fourth steps look at snacking. Snacking is an easy way to fall off the rails and most of us don't realize we're doing it as often as we are. These rules will help you to control your eating habits while the focus is off meals, i.e. when you're hard at work.

Take a few small tubs with you to work, pack them with protein rich foods and enjoy them throughout the day whenever you feel peckish. Protein has far less impact on our fat storage cells than either carbs or fat, so enjoy!

The final rule is the most important of all. Taking a day off may seem like nonsense but it is actually the rule which people are most thankful for when they reach their results. It enables them to eat whatever they want for one day per week and still get results, removing the whole feeling of punishment which is generally associated with trying to get healthy.

Whether you're lost trying to figure out how to lose weight and keep it off or are trying to learn how to build muscle and not sure where to get started, the five rules shown today simply work.

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