This article shares tips for speeding up weight loss so you can double your loss this week. The technique is called a jump start and it helps your body become more efficient at burning fat. Use this technique to get your plan off to a fast start.
Speeding Up Weight Loss
1. Control your carbohydrate intake. Carbs will play a significant role in the jump start. By finishing eating carbohydrates by lunch and then omitting them after lunch you work with your body's natural energy needs and make your body less dependent on carbs for energy so it burns body fat better.
2. Remove refined carbohydrates this week. Refined carbs cause a surge of insulin to be introduced into the body and the presence of insulin makes it easier for your body to make fat and slows the rate at which your body can burn fat.
3. Hydrate first thing in the morning. Overnight your body naturally dehydrates and this can slow your metabolic rate. Give your metabolism a wake up call by drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning.
4. Don't drink your calories. Calories from drinks such as soda or flavored coffee drinks or even juice break down very quickly in your body leaving you with a surge of sugar, a spike in your insulin level which can promote fat storage and very little hunger satisfaction.
5. Exercise in a circuit. Circuit training is a workout that combines calorie-burning aerobic exercise with metabolism boosting strength training. This type of workout gives you the best of both worlds and will accelerate your fat burning when combined with the jump start diet tips.
If your goal is to double your weight loss then get these tips working for you and speed up your weight loss.
Do you want to learn more about how to do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: WEIGHT LOSS TIPS
Do you want to learn how to speed up your fat loss? Speed Fat Loss
Dr. Becky Gillaspy is an experienced and respected weight loss coach and ranks among the top 100 contributors for Ezine
Her highly popular weight loss programs reveal her inside secrets, tips and strategies that allow her clients to lose weight quickly and keep it off.
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